
Designer Spotlight: Domi

Tue, Jun 01, 21 . Elizabeth Jeffer


Interview with designer Ali Blankley:

How did you get started ? 

Domi was built on the back of my women’s wear business Hazel Brown. I wanted to take everything I learned in the making of Hazel Brown  and apply it to a simplified, dressed down version . I wanted things to be made, run and sold in a way that never felt like a struggle and that simplicity was core value both in design and in business practice.

Where do you find your inspiration? 

Pretty much everywhere, this year mostly from T.V and movies, I rarely watch anything without stopping for a screen shot. Next year I hope to be inspired by things outside of my house.

How as this changed over time since you began to design ? 

I have simplified the process, instead of creating a theme and a story with hours of research  for each new collection, I tend to just grab things out of the air, one great print or shape will be the foundation of a group and then I fill in around in by instinct and years of practice.  Domi is never forced.

Where did you learn your craft?

Both self taught and taught by the talented people I have employed.
What is your hope for the future of our industry ?

I honestly hope there is less of it (garment industry). Buy better, buy less is my motto.

What has been your main source of calm/distraction during these strange times?

I wish I could say something that would make me sound super interesting, but truth be told, I have been watching a lot of T.V.

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